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Why buy recycled gold jewelry?
Perhaps you didn’t know this, but the gold mining industry is very harmful to the environment. Besides using explosives deep inside the Earth to extract the gold ore, this industry also pollutes the water. In order to get the gold out of the gold-bearing rock, a solved is needed. Most of the time, that solvent is cyanide that ends up contaminating the earth and the water. Recycled gold jewelry offers an answer to this problem. Instead of mining for new gold ore, some jewelry brands recycle the pieces that nobody wears anymore. This way, new solid gold jewelry pieces are born without harming the environment.
Where to buy recycled gold jewelry?
At Ana Luisa, we strive to uphold the ethical standards. This means that we are not comfortable with scarring the Earth and its waters in search of gold. Instead, we use 100% recycled gold in our jewelry. When buying a solid gold jewelry piece from Ana Luisa, you can rest assured that the gold doesn’t come from new mining efforts. It comes from old jewelry pieces that have lost their appeal to people. This means that those gorgeous solid gold hoop earrings that you are looking at right now are the result of our concern for the environment. Also, our diamond jewelry that you can admire in this collection uses lab-grown clean diamonds that are perfectly traceable. So get your recycled gold jewelry from Ana Luisa and help us protect the environment.